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Starvation Lake and, "The Great Pizza Caper!"

J.F. Rowan

Starry night in Moab, Utah

Leaving Moab when we did was probably smart on our part. The daytime temps were getting into the upper 90’s and the forecast put the night time temps higher as well. Having somewhat satisfied our curiosity about the area and not wanting to deal with warmer temps while sleeping, we continued to head north. Besides, not to get into the zone of “too much information” but we needed a shower and our options for getting one in Moab were limited. The place that popped up on our radar was Starvation Lake State Park as our next destination. But getting there would prove interesting. And, to see who’s really reading the blog our not, somewhere during the trip, I discovered…I have another brother!

Don't let the unassuming look of this museum fool you. This place is jam packed with historical information.

Okay then, off we go to our new destination. We traveled north making a quick stop in the small town of Helper, Utah. So named because, in the old days, the town provided locomotives that would provide trains that were passing through, up the steep grade leaving the town. These locomotives “helped” the trains over the mountains. The town has a great Train and Mining Museum that is jam-packed with information relating to the mining history in the area and how the railroad was a part of it all. Lots of information for very little money. I wonder sometimes…couldn’t we just send out kids on a giant road trip to explore all this neat and important stuff?

Art work or artifacts this museum was very impressive.

We left the museum and again, headed north. We both agreed that Utah is such a cool state to drive through. The views were almost always amazing and every where we turned, folks were always nice. There were plenty of “oooh's” and “ahhhhhs” to be had along the way. It’s hard as the driver trying to drive and take in the scenery. But Yvette was more than happy to fill me in on all that I was missing. HA! Thanks a lot!

Starvation Lake SP. Storm moveing in that would bring damaging winds and heavy rains for all of 10 minutes.

We arrived in the small town of Dreche (UT) just a few miles from Starvation Lake. Since it was late in the day, Yvette had done some research online and found that a small restaurant in town that supposedly offered pizza. Yvette was in the mood for some pizza, and no-one ever has to twist my arm...ever. I would post photos of the pizza except as it turns out, there was no pizza in this entire town. Not one slice of pepperoni existed in the precocious and peculiar town. Not one. And, to top it off, the meal that we did receive…Let’s see, how would Rodney Dangerfield put it? "Hey, take this back to the kitchen. I can still see where the jockey was hitting it!" Ouch!

Sunset at Starvation Lake SP, Utah.

Anyway, we headed to the park which was clean, stayed the night.

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